Emily Smith’s life centers around family. At home, Emily and her husband, Tom Smith, who is also a valued team member here at Family & Nursing Care, enjoy attending their three young children’s extracurricular activities and watching movies as a family. Emily’s dedication to family extends to her professional life, too. She works alongside her sister-in-law Kelly Ann Sharp, our wonderful Director of Client Services, to support our client’s, families, and professional’s needs. Emily cares for her clients and their families like her own, always keeping their best interests at heart.
Emily holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Salisbury University and a master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Maryland. While earning her degrees, she worked as a GNA at a local Nursing Center for four years and also interned at an Adult Day Care facility.
Emily has been in her role as Client Services Manager since April 2013 when, after eight years of loyal service to foster children, she returned to her roots and true passion of working with and supporting older adults. Her excellent communication skills, responsiveness, and conscientious nature ensure the best customer service possible and build rapport with our clients she serves.